Panther Healthcare professional education is our commitment. Bariatric
surgery is a weight loss surgery and a treatment procedure for obesity.
There are various types of gastric procedures such as adjustable gastric
band, Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass, Mini Gastric Bypass, Vertical Sleeve
Gastrectomy and Biliopancreatic Diversion with a Duodenal Switch
(BPD-DS). As per the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2016, more than
1.9 billion adults were overweight out of which 650 million were obese.
At Panther we understand the importance of Bariatric surgery and the
benefits of doing the surgical procedures in a minimally invasive way,
and for this reason we hold several bariatric master classes around the
Duke-Pudong Masters of Metabolic and Bariatric surgery at Shanghai
Pudong Hospital- Panther Surgery and Innovation Center is a 2 days
course including Live surgery, Lectures, Topic discussions and Hands on
workshop. This course is arranged in cooperation with experts from Duke
University, USA.
Master class in Bariatric surgery by Professor Giusto Pignata in Italy
is a one-day course with 2-4 live surgeries + discussions.
Master class in Bariatric surgery lead by Professor Catalin Coapescu in
Bucharest, Romania at the Center of Excellence in Regina
Maria Ponderas Academic Hospital is a one-day course with 5-6 live
surgeries + discussions.
Clinical Immersion program on Safety in Braiatric Surgery by Dr. Marcos
Leao at Hospital Santo Amaro Bahia, Brazil is a 3 days course involving
up to 20 surgeries, lectures, theories and topic discussions. We do 4
courses for Brazilian surgeons a year and one for International
surgeons. Dr. Marcos Leao is the course coordinator and elected
president of the Brazilian society of bariatric and metabolic surgery
(Sbcbm) for biennium 2019-2020. The course is a realization of Panther
Healthcare, with support and promotion of the baros clinic, the
Brazilian society of Bariatric Surgery (Sbcbm) and the JoséSilveira Foundation. Any time there is a course the Brazilian Society
of Bariatric Surgery will send the leaflet of the same to around 1000
surgeons. These courses have already show up in the Brazilian newspaper
ATarde and in an interview to Dr. Marcos leao by TV Bandeirantes (Number
2 TV in Brazil).